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Covid-19 Support: Pathways to Resilience: Strategies for a World in Upheaval

Session 1: Basic Strategies

Some of you may be interested in this webinar series on resilience. They are meant as a resource for people going through rough times and people providing support to others who are going through times. They were recorded when we were first in lockdown due to Covid, in the spring of 2020.  

The webinars are about one hour long each with the presenter, Rachel Thibeault. I (Rosalie Freund-Heritage) listened to them in the spring and am listening again. These were produced during the first wave, but the information is as relevant now as the second wave drags on. 

Rachel is an OT who provided community rehab to vulnerable individuals and populations, having worked in some war torn areas. She noticed that some people bounced back and others didn't, leading her to do research on psychological resilience. The sessions are based on her research and personal experiences. While she says at the outset that these sessions were produced for occupational therapists, they really have information for anyone. The webinars present some theory, some research, and lots of practical application.

There is no cost and no registration required. The first session describes the basics of resilience addressing the physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges we face during Covid. The first of the five sessions can be accessed with the link above.

Stay tuned for information on the following sessions.